The whole Qt thing is, too.
I'm sharing some experience with the beast.
If you need some relevant debug infos concerning the Qt class guts, you need to instruct gdb on how to print them.
It's done via a 'debugging helper': some dll/plugin loaded by gdb on startup.
On my machine they didnt work without a rebuild after each Qt SDK every integration:
- go to Tools->Options...->Qt4->Qt Versions,
- check the active Qt SDK, and its path (QT_PATH).
- *remove* the whole *QT_PATH/qtc-debugging-helper* directory via explorer
- back to the Options Pane, select the active SDK, and press *Rebuild*
- go to Options->Debugger->Debugging Helper, check 'Use debugging helper', uncheck 'Use debugging helper from custom location'
- next time you debug your qt app, you should get some '43 custom... loaded' from gdb