30 July 2009

Clutter 1.0.0: Win32/MinGW (updated)

Personal Hack for a win32 build of clutter-1.0.0 libraries.
  • static libraries,
  • interactive.exe and the whole dll package (glib, pango, etc),
  • and a configuration package (prebuild.zip)
In there.
Basically all you need is:

Get Code::Blocks/QtCreator whatever (but a Mingw flavor): http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/5

Get Clutter-1.0.0, and unzip-it somewhere on your hdd: http://www.clutter-project.org/sources/clutter/1.0/
Get GTK dependencies from http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html (binaries+dev packages): pango, cairo, glib, gtk+
Get some other Mingw port from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7382 :
gettext, libiconv

I put all those libraries side by side with clutter-1.0.0.

Concerning mingw, it's likely that the package delivered with cb/qtcreator is outdated:
Get latest mingw API For MS Windows (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/ , dev version) and unzip it into your mingw directory
Get latest glext.h (http://www.opengl.org/registry/api/glext.h), to update your probably old \mingw\include\GL\GLext.h.

Now some autoconf stuff:

Get And Unzip prebuild.zip (http://alimbourg.free.fr/clutter-1.0.0) into clutter-1.0.0/build/
It will create some qtcreator\ dir as it's my primary develoment platform, but rename it at will.
The configuration package uses perl (i'm using tinyperl, included in archive) to autoconfigure clutter build, generate marshaling info and glib-enum-typing header files. It makes it ready to compile.
Edit configure.pl to match your installation directories as it needs GLIB for some prebuild steps.
Then, execute configure.bat.

(Finally, it tweaks some qtcreator .pro project files to list every needed source files all the content from clutter\, clutter\COGL, clutter\Pango, clutter\json, clutter\win32: this, of course, has to be done 'by hand' for the other tools)

It's now ready to compile...


Unknown said...


I have read that you are using
Clutter with Windows.

Can you post a step tutorial to
compile and use Clutter 1.0 with

Because on your blog you only have pieces with information but not the whole "package"


Ash said...

Woops: for sure, i forgot some pieces of explanation. I updated http://alimbourg.free.fr/clutter-1.0.0 with an howto. And should publish it ASAP :)

Unknown said...

You said:
"I put all those libraries side by side with clutter-1.0.0."

What do you mean with side by side?

Which files and in which folder?

Ash said...

You should have glib-2.18.4, mingw32-gettext-0.17, pango-1.22.4, cairo_1.8.6 and clutter-1.0.0, on the same level, in the same directory...